Kokoro, LLC Quality since 1996.


We would love to hear about how our products have improved your life. Below are some of the testimonials we've received over the years regarding infertility.

Regarding Infertility

I have a terrible hormonal imbalance that causes me to bleed almost constantly. I have had to go on the pill just to feel like a normal person and have a break from bleeding. Several doctors have given me Provera, and I have also tried using Clomiphene Citrate to have regular cycles and improve my fertility. Nothing has worked. I don't want to be on the pill, but I feel it's the only way to have a normal cycle. Do you think this cream can help balance my hormones?

M. Rowan
Salt Lake City, Utah

Editor's Note: The next letter was from M. Rowan several months later.

When I first wrote to you, I was in search of something to help straighten out my poor body. For 5 years my husband and I tried to have a baby, and we never had any luck. At first I still had normal cycles, but when my doctor had me do a BBT chart (basal body temperature) I found out I wasn't ovulating. As the months went on things got worse and I started bleeding for 10 day periods with only a couple of days break before it would start up again. I went on Clomiphene Citrate for 5 months to encourage ovulation, but it always happened too late. Then I went in for a laparoscopy (exploratory surgery) to see if I had endometriosis or blocked tubes. I was lucky and had neither. But they did find that my endometrial lining was very thin. On day 26 of my cycle I looked like day 10. They said I had a luteal phase defect. After the surgery I decided I was through with fertility drugs and I was going to take a big long break. It was all much too stressful!

As the next 2 years went on I had more and more bleeding problems and got all kinds of advice from 3 different doctors that never worked. They usually ended up giving me Provera to clean out my uterus so I could start a cycle over. It would work for about 3 months, and then the bleeding would start again. The doctor I have now told me that I needed to either go on fertility drugs or the pill to have normal cycles because I would eventually get cancer from all of my bleeding. Neither sounded good to me. Fertility drugs have horrible side effects and the emotional stress isn't easy to deal with either. I decided against that because I teach fourth grade and knew I couldn't handle that at the time. So I went on the pill so I could have normal cycles.

When there were only about 3 months left of my school year I bought a book called, How to Be a Successful Fertility Patient. I read through everything I could thinking I would try it all again during the summer when I wasn't teaching. I especially looked up sections on luteal phase defect to see what I would have to do. A lack of progesterone was the named cause of this defect, and I read all about shots, suppositories and pills. It seemed so crazy that I was going through all of this torture simply because of a hormone imbalance. I wanted to fix it right away. But I knew that my doctor would have to prescribe shots, suppositories or pills and it could be expensive. I also read that taking synthetic progesterone could be very dangerous, especially to a fetus, and that doctors didn't always know the difference between prescribing natural and synthetic.

At the same time, a friend of mine who teaches with me shared her story of having two miscarriages before having her two children. She told me how her doctor said he wouldn't do anything until she had three miscarriages because miscarriages were so common. She immediately changed doctors and found one who checked her progesterone each week the next time she got pregnant. She was always a little bit low and he gave her injections each week until the 2nd trimester when the placenta took over and made huge amounts of progesterone. All of these things made me look for more information on the Internet. I looked up natural progesterone and found several articles about a cream you could use without a prescription. The benefits seemed so wonderful! One of the articles mentioned a cream called Kokoro®, so I looked up the Kokoro® web page.

I then ordered a jar of creme and the book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, by Dr. John R. Lee. The book had the most amazing information I had ever read! It made so much sense to me — especially answering the problems I was having. Because I was still on the pill, I waited until the 14th day and started using the creme (a teaspoon in the morning and another one at night). After that cycle, I went off the pill and went on to have 6 normal cycles with no drugs. I felt so good, and found that I was also ovulating when I charted my BBT. Last month I ran out of creme before the end of my cycle and I skipped quite a few days, which worried me, but everything seemed to be ok. I found out a few weeks later that I was pregnant (for the first time in 5 YEARS)! I was so excited and couldn't believe it! But a couple of days later I began to miscarry. I had my progesterone levels tested and they were down to 1.3. When you are pregnant they have to be higher than 15. I think it was bad luck that the month I got pregnant was the month I ran out of creme and didn't get more in time. But I am very optimistic! I really feel this creme has helped me to balance my hormones so I could have regular cycles. This year was the first time I had normal cycles with no drugs or the pill and the first time I got pregnant. I will continue to use the creme and try for pregnancy again in about 3 months. This time I will make sure I don't run out! I will also go get tested for progesterone levels immediately after ovulation to make sure I am using enough.

Thank you so much for this wonderful product! It has helped my quality of life to be so much better.

P.S. While going through the miscarriage, I found a bulletin board on the Internet where many women who have also experienced miscarriages can write to each other. Several women talked about how low progesterone levels seemed to be the cause of their miscarriages, but their doctors wouldn't prescribe anything until they got pregnant again. I started writing back to many of these postings, sharing everything that I knew. These women will do ANYTHING to prevent a miscarriage from happening again. Especially the ones who have had 4 or 5!

I hope my story will help others!

Thanks again,