Kokoro, LLC Quality since 1996.


We would love to hear about how our products have improved your life. Below are some of the testimonials we've received over the years from health professionals.

From Doctors

As a gynecologist, I get asked about these types of problems on a daily basis. Most recently we've had a huge increase in questions about loss of libido associated with perimenopause as well as loss of libido in general. I currently have several patients on Kokoro's natural progesterone cream who promise to keep me well informed and updated on how they're doing. In turn, I will keep this site updated as to how we're doing in Southwest Missouri.

In addition, I've been using natural progesterone in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle for at least eight years for treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Although not 100% effective for every woman, I have seen some very dramatic positive results in many. We've also used natural progesterone effectively to support the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in women with luteal phase defect and difficulty conceiving or with habitual miscarriage. Those patients are also supported through the 13th week of pregnancy using natural progesterone support.

Natural progesterone therapy works in a number of clinical situations based on my clinical experience. There are allopathic physicians, such as myself, who have used these types of therapies for a number of years with excellent results. It's nice to see an easily applied transdermal cream available for natural progesterone therapy.

Bryan J. Treacy, MD
Bolivar/Springfield, Missouri

I haven't updated my guest book comments for quite a while after I said I would. The natural progesterone alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy rolls on here in Southwest Missouri. I'm having good results with Kokoro's Balance Creme both in the menopausal and premenopausal patient. In addition, we've had several recent pregnancies that were progesterone deficient (from an inadequate corpus luteum) who have delivered healthy babies at term, all of whom were supported with Kokoro's natural progesterone cream.

In addition, I recently read a study that was published comparing traditional hormone replacement therapy, natural progesterone cream and placebo in the treatment of menopausal syndrome (hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, loss of libido etc.) where progesterone cream had an 83% success rate in alleviating these symptoms. This was comparable to traditional hormone replacement, although progesterone cream took longer to take effect. The placebo group of women, interestingly, had a 23% reduction in symptoms. Nevertheless, this is one of the only prospective randomized studies of progesterone cream's effectiveness in menopause management that I've seen.

I hope everyone who is using Balance Creme is enjoying good health and reduced symptoms.

Bryan J. Treacy, MD
Bolivar/Springfield, Missouri